(Photo: Heidi Fin on Unsplash)

ideaCHECK - Feedback for business ideas

We get to know each other and analyze your business idea together. It doesn’t matter whether you only have an initial, vague idea or already have a perfectly developed business plan: We will help you find out where your idea is currently at in its development.

Our service points are the place to go if you

  • want to clarify where you stand with your idea: What preliminary work do you still need? What do you still need to consider? What are the next steps?
  • are looking for suitable partners for your plans.
  • are looking for financing possibilities for your company.
  • you need someone to develop your ideas further.

The Startup Salzburg team is at your side with advice and answers all your questions about funding, contacts, qualification measures and much more. We are sparring partners, pilots, simplifiers and networkers for you and your ideas.

We offer ideaCHECK discussions every Tuesday of the week, which you can find in our calender. In order to provide you with the best possible advice, we need some information about your business idea. Please fill out the idea sketch (Word download) for this purpose! All bookable ideaCHECK appointments can also be found in our booking portal.

Currently, our ideaCHECK sessions are provided by the Service-Points Innovation Salzburg and FHStartup Center. Just come to the Service-Point that is closer to you!