Foto: IndrePau -

SHAPE - The pre-incubation program of Startup Salzburg

In the pre-incubation program, we support you in developing a marketable business model. You have already met us in an ideaCHECK and we generally know about you and your business idea. This is a prerequisite for your application.


Currently, no application for the SHAPE program is possible. The next call will start in summer 2024!



Who does fit into the SHAPE program?

The program is designed for individuals/teams working on an innovative and scalable business idea. Initial measures should already have been implemented (e.g. target groups analysed, business model canvas created, market surveys conducted, etc.) and a basic plan for the next few months formulated.

Apply if YOU want to reach following goals

  • Development of an MVP (Minimum Viable Product = simplest product variant with necessary core features and benefits for the potential customer segment
  • Achieving proof of concept (proving that the business model works in terms of an technical and economic feasibility and profitability)
  • Preparation of a basic go-to-market strategy

The concept of SHAPE

  1. Selected and necessary knowledge is provided by experts in workshops hould be individually derived and processed in product development in the the further development of the product or service and/or the business concept.
  2. In regular group meetings, so-called peer sessions, the exchange of experiences among the participants is promoted, problems are discussed and learnings are shared.
  3. The respective startup coach is the main contact person and supports the prospective startup individually and needs-oriented – they act as  as a guide, sparring partner and networker.

With SHAPE – get ready we want to raise awareness, impart knowledge and bring the participants into action! During the intensive six-month support, we work methodically with a collaborative learning & doing approach. The goal is to bring your elaborated basic concept to a proof of concept in order to create the basis for a promising and scalable business model.

In autumn 2024 there will be the opportunity to apply for the upcoming FACTORY – go-to-market program to get ready for market entry and further scalability of your venture!


Your contact person

Magdalena Karner
Startup Salzburg / Innovation Salzburg
+43 664 882 823 20